Creating Familes through Embryo Adoption
When couples conceive through in-vitro fertilization (IVF), they often create more embryos than they need. What becomes of their unused embryos? Most are put into frozen storage (in a tank of liquid nitrogen) at the fertility center.
Some couples will freeze them to use at a later date (themselves) in the unfortunate event they miscarry or for future IVF sibling cycles.
But what if you are through growing your own family? What do you do then? Leave your unused embryos in a perpetual frozen state, paying for their "room and board" indefinitely (at the average cost of $600 annually)? Why not donate them to an organization like Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Agency?
This is a beautiful story of a couple who grew their family through adopted embryos from Snowflakes.
Read more here
About West Coast Surrogacy, Inc and
West Coast Egg Donation, Inc:
West Coast Surrogacy, Inc [WCS] and West Coast Egg Donation, Inc. [WCED] is an all inclusive surrogacy and egg donation agency based in Southern California, with satellite offices in Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside and Sacramento. Working with Intended Parents domestic and International, together with gestational surrogates and egg donors nationwide, WCA and WCED uses a team-oriented approach that encompasses the highest level of integrity, support, compassion and affirming care. Committed to compliance with all the regulations and standards set forth by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine [ASRM], it is our pledge to guide you through every step of this life-changing process, acting as both a resource for information and an unparalleled support system.