Why I Chose West Coast Surrogacy: Recommended Professionals

When looking into surrogacy, I acknowledged that there are risks. In addition to the familiar risks of pregnancy, there would be new medications and procedures. There would also be intended parents (that weren’t myself and my husband!), contractual agreements, and the potential for stressful situations. I wanted to make sure that I was in good hands throughout my journey.
I was introduced to West Coast Surrogacy through a recommendation from the surrogacy support organization, All Things Surrogacy. Like most services or products, when we make a recommendation it is because our experience has been positive. We tend to trust these referrals more than those from non-personalized resources. Surrogacy is no different.
The surrogacy process itself involves close coordination between: agencies, fertility clinics, legal counsel, psychologists, nutritionists, insurance providers, hospitals, and the families involved. It is important to have experienced professionals represent your needs and for them to be able to grant you access to other experts as needed.
I familiarized myself with each professional I was going to work with. I did my homework. I reviewed websites, read reviews, and asked questions of each professional -- not only about the journey I was embarking on, but what they thought of West Coast Surrogacy too. I heard the same thing each time, West Coast Surrogacy was a reputable agency and easy to work with.
After matching I found out my intended parents chose West Coast Surrogacy because their attorney recommend them. My intended mom said she did call a few other agencies, though West Coast Surrogacy was the only one that called back.
From fertility clinics and attorneys to psychologists and associations, West Coast Surrogacy has built lasting relationships through their dedication and professional business practices. Throughout my journey and afterward, the West Coast Surrogacy Team and their partners were nothing less than dedicated to my health and the health of the growing family we worked together to create.
– Amy Chambers, West Coast Surrogacy gestational surrogate
If you’d like to learn more about some of the professionals available, you can do so here.